As echos about unionizing efforts echos throughout your Sunrise Roast, Julian is soon fired. Julian is fired after a sudden one-on-one meeting with a corporate employee. After the quick dismissal of Julian, the corporate man gathers all of the Sunrise Roast employeess on your shift for an impromptu speeh. Digital orders pile up and the line grows long as you all gather in the back.
'We hear you. We know you guys wish to have more transparency about sudden schedule changes, more paid time-off, and better pay. We have managed to communicate these wants to the higher-ups and it is feasible to have your demands met. We just need direct communication. We don't need to go through a representative association.''
It is apparent that Sunrise Roast is employing the 'So Long, it's Been Good to Know You' and 'Supervisor Pressure' tactics to dissaude workers from exercising their right to unionize.
Do you believe in promises from corporate and wish to abandon voting in the upcoming National Labor Relations Board (NLBR) meeting or do you wish to continue with voting in the election?